
Keith’s Story

Though Keith struggled with addiction for much of his life, when he met his wife, he believed his life had turned around for good. “When I met her, I finally understood the meaning of the word love,” he remembers. But her tragic death just weeks into their marriage left him overcome with grief… and his addiction once again spiraled out of control.

Keith spent the next three years in and out of treatment. Once successful in the restaurant business, he now struggled to hold a job. Finally, he learned about Hope Ministries from a man who’d completed our life recovery program.

Keith says our Christ-centered focus drew him to our doors. “There’s always been a tug at my heart,” he shares. “I knew I needed God.”

Today, Keith is growing spiritually and healing emotionally, while doing the hard work required to battle his addiction and make healthy decisions. He is learning to cope with his grief and move forward with hope for the future.

Keith says he feels blessed by our staff and fellow residents who have given him a sense of community. “I feel loved,” he says. “We lift each other up and carry each other along.”

One thing he’s especially enjoying is his work skills training in our kitchen. He’s getting to use his past restaurant experience while learning about the joy of Christian service – something he plans to carry with him into the future. “My dream job would be to cook at a place like Hope Ministries where I can minister through my gifts.”

And he’s grateful to compassionate people like you who share so generously to help struggling individuals like him. “You don’t need to fly halfway around the world to save somebody’s life. You can do it right in your own backyard.”