
Scan Away Hunger

Give a Meal…Give Hope

Did you know nearly 12% of Iowans struggle with hunger every day? That’s more than 360,000 empty stomachs and hurting spirits.

YOU can help. Hope Ministries serves 450+ free meals every day. It costs us just $1.85 to provide a meal and care for a hungry man, woman or child.

Each year through Scan Away Hunger, Central Iowans partner with us to feed those in need. Whether you Scan Away Hunger online anytime or visit a participating Hy-Vee store during the holiday season to give at the cash register, you’re making a difference to one or more of those 360,000 individuals.


Thank you to our Title Sponsors!



Scan Away Hunger at Hy-Vee

From Thanksgiving through Christmas, you can Scan Away Hunger at participating metro Hy-Vee stores. Just ask at the cash register and you can scan a plate one or more times, adding $1.85 to your grocery bill for each scan.

In addition to donating, here are other ways you can help Scan Away Hunger:

  • Share about Scan Away Hunger on social media and encourage your friends to participate.
  • Invite your church to sponsor “Scan Away Hunger Sunday”. Email Terri for more details.
  • Order plates for your church or workplace or to hand out to your friends, small group, etc. Order plates by calling 515-265-7272.